
7 Ways to Fix Google Drive Links Not Working [Solved]

Ever found yourself asking, “Why can’t I open my Google Drive link?” It’s as frustrating as biting into a jelly donut, only to find no jelly.

You’re not alone in this sticky situation, buddy. Google Drive links sometimes act up and refuse to play nice, leaving you staring at an error message instead of that important document you need.

The good news? There’s usually a solution to get your Google Drive links back on track. We’re gonna cover 7 of them in this guide.

Before we dive into it, have you checked out our posts on fixing unreadable Google Drive files and how to remove shared files from Google Drive? You might find some handy tips there too.

Fun Fact: Did you know that as of 2020, Google Drive boasted a whopping 1 billion users worldwide? That's about 13% of the entire global population! But here's the kicker: many folks have the same Google Drive link issue.

How to Fix Google Drive Links Not Working

Here are the seven (7) methods you can try to resolve your problem;

Method 1: Check the URL Link

So the first question we should ask ourselves is, “How do I get my Google Drive link to work?”

Well, the answer might be as simple as checking the link itself. Maybe it got copied incorrectly, or there’s a typo messing up the URL.

You’d be surprised how often this happens. So before you start pulling your hair out, double-check that link!

Here’s what you should look out for:

  • Extra Spaces: Ensure no extra spaces exist before, within, or after the link. These can sneak in during copying and pasting, and they’ll wreck your link faster than a raccoon in a trash can.
  • Incorrect Characters: URLs are fussy. If there’s a wrong character or a typo, it’s game over. So make sure all the characters in the link are correct.
  • Incomplete URL: If the link got truncated or cut off somehow, it’s not gonna take you where you want to go. Check that you’ve got the whole URL in there.

A correct Google Drive URL link should look something like this:

There are several important parts to this URL:

  • https:// is the protocol that tells your browser this is a web address.
  • is the domain, showing this is hosted on Google Drive.
  • /file/d/ signifies that this is a direct link to a file.
  • 1A2B3C4D5E6F7G8H9I0J is the unique identifier for the file. This will be different for each file on Google Drive.
  • /view?usp=sharing is a parameter that allows anyone with the link to view the file.

Now, an incorrect Google Drive URL link might look something like this:


Here, the https:// is incorrectly written as htps:// and there’s no question mark (?) before usp=sharing, which makes it viewusp=sharing instead of view?usp=sharing.

Both mistakes would prevent the link from working correctly.

Just like a scrambled phone number won’t get your call to the right place, a scrambled URL won’t get you to the right file. So always double-check your Google Drive links to make sure they’re correct!

Method 2: Verify Sharing Settings

The answer may lie in Google Drive’s sharing settings.

If the Google Drive sharing settings aren’t properly set, folks trying to access your link will be left out wondering why it cannot work.

So, how about we check the Google Drive sharing settings to ensure everything’s in order?

Here’s how you do it:

  • Open Google Drive and find the file or folder that’s linked.
  • Right-click it and select “Share.”
  • Under “Get Link,” check if it’s set to “Anyone with the link.”
  • If it’s not, click “Change to anyone with the link.”

Method 3: Clear Your Cache and Cookies

What are web cookies? We’re talking about those tiny pieces of data your browser gobbles up while you’re surfing the net.

And cache? It’s like your browser’s little scrapbook, storing bits of websites so they load faster next time.

While they’re handy, sometimes they can cause hiccups with Google Drive links. Cleaning them out is like giving your browser a fresh start.

So, how about we clear your cache and cookies?

Here’s how you do it:

For Chrome users

  • Click on the three dots on the top right corner.
  • Go to More tools > Clear browsing data.
  • Check the boxes for “Cookies and other site data” and “Cached images and files.”
  • Hit “Clear data.”

For Firefox users

  • Click on the three lines on the top right corner.
  • Go to Options > Privacy & Security > Cookies and Site Data.
  • Click “Clear Data.”
  • Check the boxes for “Cookies and Site Data” and “Cached Web Content.”
  • Click “Clear.”

For Safari users

  • Go to Safari > Preferences > Advanced.
  • Check the box for “Show Develop menu in the menu bar.”
  • From the menu bar, go to Develop > Empty Caches.

Method 4: Disable Browser Extensions

Browser extensions are like little helpers that add some oomph to your web browsing experience. But sometimes, just like too many cooks in the kitchen, they can mess things up.

Certain extensions can interfere with Google Drive’s functionality and cause links to go haywire.

So, if you’re still asking yourself, “How do I get my Google Drive link to work?”, the answer might be as simple as disabling your browser extensions.

It’s kinda like sending the helpers out of the kitchen for a while so you can see if they’re the ones burning the cookies.

Here’s how to do it:

For Chrome users

  • Click the three dots in the top right corner.
  • Go to More tools > Extensions.
  • Disable the extensions by clicking the blue switch.

For Firefox users

  • Click the three lines in the top right corner.
  • Go to Add-ons > Extensions.
  • Disable the extensions by clicking the blue switch.

For Safari users

  • Go to Safari > Preferences > Extensions.
  • Uncheck the box next to each extension to disable it.

Method 5: Try a Different Browser

Alright, we’ve covered some ground, but if that Google Drive link is still putting up a fight, don’t worry. There’s still more we can do.

You know the old saying, “If you don’t succeed at first, try, try again”? Well, it might be time to apply that to your browser choice.

Maybe you’ve been trying to open the link in Chrome. How about giving Firefox or Safari a shot? Or if you’ve been using Safari, maybe it’s time to see what Chrome or Edge offers.

Like swapping out a stubborn screwdriver for a shiny new one, sometimes all it takes is a fresh perspective – or in this case, a fresh browser.

Method 6: Update Google Drive

So, we’re at Way 6 and that Google Drive link is still giving you the cold shoulder. It’s like a bad joke without a punchline, right?

But fear not, we’ve got more cards to play. This time around, we’re going to see if an update is in order.

Think about it like this: you wouldn’t expect your phone to work perfectly if you never updated it, would you? The same goes for Google Drive.

Keeping it updated ensures it has all the latest fixes and features that Google has rolled out. You know, the kind of stuff that keeps things running smoothly.

Way 7: Contact Google Support

Alright, friend. We’ve come to the final stretch. We’ve tried all the tricks in the book, but that pesky Google Drive link is still playing hard to get.

It’s like trying to catch a greased pig at a county fair! So, what’s our final tactic? It’s time to call in the big guns: Google Support.

I know, I know, nobody loves dealing with customer service. But trust me; Google Support is like the superhero of customer service teams.

They’re quick, helpful, and they’ve got all the insider knowledge we don’t. If you’re still left wondering, “Why can’t I open my Google Drive link?”, they’re the folks to ask.

Getting in touch with Google Support is easy as pie. Here’s how:

  • Go to the Google Drive Help Center.
  • Click on “Contact Us” in the top right corner.
  • Choose the issue that’s closest to what you’re experiencing.
  • You can receive help via email, request a phone call, or chat with support online.


We’ve dived deep into the world of Google Drive, explored its nooks and crannies, and emerged with not one, not two, but seven different ways to fix those pesky Google Drive links that won’t work.

Sure, we had some bumps along the way – tech troubles can be as confounding as a Rubik’s cube – but we tackled them head-on with a bit of elbow grease and persistence.

Remember, whenever you’re left asking, “Why can’t I open my Google Drive link?”, you’ve got a whole arsenal of solutions right here.

And hey, even if none of these worked, Google Support is always ready to swoop in and save the day.

As you continue your tech journey, remember to keep your software updated, your cache and cookies cleared, and your extensions in check.

These simple steps can go a long way in ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience.

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